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Submitted by: Anthony Malibu
Getting your boyfriend back when he’s in another relationship can be tricky, tough, and at times, may seem nearly impossible. Yet if you think he’s worth waiting around for, there are ways to ensure that you and your ex get a second chance at romance.
So you broke up… you walked away… and now your ex has a new girlfriend. Does this mean you can’t get him back? And should you even try, or should you leave well enough alone?
As if dating isn’t hard enough, love triangles can be among the most sticky situations you’ll find yourself in. If your ex broke up with you and immediately started seeing another girl, it might seem as if he never gave your reconciliation another shot. Or maybe he ignored your attempts at getting him back, and then finally met someone else. Either way, the bitterness and rejection you feel can be very disheartening, and can make it seem like getting back together is now impossible.
Waiting For an Ex Boyfriend When He’s In Another Relationship
If you’re still in love with your ex, chances are you did whatever you could to get him back. Hopefully you didn’t make any of the major mistakes most women make while trying to win back an ex: chasing him, idolizing him, and overly trying to contact your exboyfriend. These behaviors can scare your man away before you even have the chance to patch things up.
Whatever happened, he’s now with someone else. So what should you do? Can you steal him back from his new girlfriend, or should you just wait it out… hoping it’s nothing more than a rebound relationship?
Your Ex Is Dating Someone Else: The Bad News
Unfortunately for you, there’s nothing much that can be done when your ex boyfriend begins dating again. Not initially, anyway. Right now you’re looking for ways to stop his new relationship from blossoming, or coming to fruition. You’re trying to halt and reverse the process of your breakup, but you’re fighting an uphill battle. Why? Because you’re going up against the honeymoon phase of his new relationship, and that’s a fight you can’t win.
Your best bet is to leave things alone, and let your ex’s rebound take it’s natural course. Do what you can to get your mind off your ex’s new fling, and work inwardly on improving yourself, and your own situation.
Your Ex Has a New Girlfriend: The Good News
Okay, now for some good news. First, it’s extremely likely that your ex boyfriend’s new love interest is nothing more than a fling, or rebound relationship. These rarely last past the six week mark, so you have that much time to prepare yourself for the fall of his new romance. You’ll need that time too, in order to get in prime position to win your boyfriend back.
The other good news comes if your ex recently broke up with you, and started dating almost immediately after your breakup. In a case like this, all of the attachments and emotional bonds your boyfriend felt for you are
still there
. Because your breakup is fresh, his feelings are mostly still intact. This means they didn’t go away – they were only shoved rudely to the side in order to make room for his new girlfriend.
Why is this good news? Because later on, when you’re in the getting back together stage of the reconciliation process, the fact that he still has attachments to you will make it much easier to get your boyfriend back. He’ll remember and glorify to the good times you had together, and the bad times and arguments will fade slowly back into obsecurity. Luckily, this is what happens when couples are apart for a while: they miss each other, and tend to remember the good moments over the bad ones.
Waiting For Your Ex – Staying Friends With Him After The Breakup
There are times when your boyfriend might not know what he wants, and in this scenario he’ll be dating a new girl but still be in contact with you. This is where your ex will suggest being friends, sticking around, and maybe even waiting for him… just in case his new romance crumbles to pieces.
This is, of course, what you’re hoping for. That said, it’s not what you should do. You never want your ex to think you’re waiting around for him. Sitting idly by while your ex boyfriend moves on with his life is going to make you look weak and foolish. In waiting for him, your ex will lose respect for you, and you’ll need this respect to ultimately get him back.
cannot be friends with an ex boyfriend
… PERIOD. No phone calls, no text-messages, no writing on or looking at his Facebook all. What you want here is total detachment: the further you can get from seeing or hearing from your ex, the better off your situation will be. Why? Because your ex will wonder where you are, who you’re with, and whether or not he can still get you back. And most of all, your exboyfriend will miss you.
Tell your ex that you simply can’t continue a friendship when what you
want is a full-blown relationship. Walk away, wish him well, and leave on good terms. This will force your ex to take a good, hard, honest look at his existing relationship. He’ll compare it to what he could have with you, and he might even come running back to you out of fear of losing you for good.
Other Ways To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back After a Breakup
When your ex is dating someone else, it can be an extremely stressful time. It’s easy to obsess over what’s going on in his life, and completely forget to live your own. The worst part is that by living your life to the fullest, you actually become a whole lot more attractive to your ex boyfriend. The more fun you have, the more confidence you exhibit… the more your ex will see you as something to be desired, and not something to be left in his past.
About the Author: There are 8 Individual Steps in learning
How to Get Your Boyfriend Back
…so find out what they are! The faster you can recognize the signs that your ex still loves you, the sooner you can get working on
Getting Back With Your Ex
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